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November 2011

Alternative methods of language assessment (in Greek) 
by Dina Tsaggari, University of Cyprus
[abstract] [html] [pdf]

This article discusses how current theories of language learning and teaching have focused attention on ‘alternative assessment’, the movement that has recently made its appearance in the field of language testing and assessment and defines their basic characteristics and types. In the sections that follow, the article presents in detail some of these methods, and provides a detailed description of how these can be used in educational contexts. It concludes with a discussion of a number of issues in the hope that they will serve as a springboard for further research and experimentation in the field. The article has no intentions of presenting language tests and examinations as ‘evil’. Therefore, the suggestions and recommendations included therein should not be seen as a way to replace or even eliminate current forms of testing as we use them in the language classroom. It simply aims to add to the professional knowledge of practitioners in the field by presenting the philosophy and the mechanics of a number of assessment methods that have been widely used in a variety of educational contexts at present.


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