
To submit any articles, abstracts or powerpoint presentations please use evovou@ltproject.eu as shown on the "Contact Us" tab. If the articles or abstracts you wish to read are in pdf. format, please use the following link to download tha Acrobat reader http://get.adobe.com/uk/reader/otherversions/
Dafni Wiedenmayer
Die Bewertung der produktiven Sprachaktivitäten (ppt) 
Washback Effect on Examiners Implications for the Greek KPg Language Evaluation System 
Die Bewertung der produktiven Sprachaktivitäten
Dina Tsagari
Linking Textbooks to the CEFR: A Collaborative Approach
Practices, policies and tensions in classroom-based assessment
Using language portfolios for all ages: inspiration for teachers, motivation for learners
Impact of a high-stakes English exam on teachers and students’ perceptions, attitudes and practices
Assessment Literacy of EFL Teachers in Greece – Current Trends and Future Prospects
Revisiting the Concept of Language Washback: Results from an Empirical Study
The European Language Portfolio: A New Challenge for Language Teachers and Learners
Alternative Assessment: the Use of ‘Portfolios’
Test Washback: How Far Have We Come? What More Needs to Be Done?
Myth, Metaphor and Reality of Washback in Greek ELT. Findings from an Empirical Research Study
What do exam-oriented textbooks look like
Linking EFL Textbook Materials to Exam Specifications
From the Candidates’ Point of View: Diary-keeping in a Testing
Evelyn Vovou 
SL&SD 2009 Fremdsprachenunterricht okolinguistische Perspektiven (ppt)
Ecological Approach to Second Language Evaluation Processes
Fremdsprachenunterricht. Ökolinguistische Perspektiven
Washback Effect on Examiners
Rückwirkung von Sprachtests auf Mikro- und Makroebene in Bezug auf die Bewertung schriftlicher Produktion