Uni Erfurt PhD and Postdoc Scholarships

Commencing October 1st, 2010 the University of Erfurt will be awarding scholarships for the PhD and Postdoctoral programmes of the following research teams:

  1. Center for Empirical Research in Economics and Behavioral Sciences
  2. Communication and Digital Media
  3. Research Team "Language Competence and Proficiency"
  4. Forum for Literary Studies "Texts. Signs. Media"
  5. Platform World Regions and Interactions

Applicants for Scholarships must hold a Master’s or equivalent degree with high marks, or a PhD in one of the relevant core areas. Scholarships for PhD candidates are €1,000 per month (postdoctoral scholarships are €1,500 per month) and run for a period of up to 3 years. Scholars are requested to reside in Erfurt for the duration of their scholarship. Participation in seminars of the respective graduate school or the mentoring research teams is mandatory. Application deadline: July 15, 2010. For further infrmation on the application procedure visit http://www.uni-erfurt.de/index.php?id=13886&L=1