Submitted by evovou on Mon, 2010-05-03 20:31
Submitted by evovou on Mon, 2010-05-03 20:28
The Editors of the Canadian Modern Language Review invite submissions for the Annual Award for the Best Paper by a Graduate Student. The competition is open to students who are currently registered or have graduated in the previous academic year. The topic of the paper must be related to second language teaching and learning. Submission deadline: October 31, 2010. For more information visit http://www.utpjournals.com/cmlr/cmlr.html
Submitted by evovou on Mon, 2010-05-03 20:21
Penn Lauder CIBER announced the Eighth Annual Summer Institute for Teaching a Second Language for Business Communication, June 21-25, 2010. Designed primarily for secondary and post-secondary language educators, this program provides an overview of basic business concepts, combined with discussions of current issues in language-teaching methodology and curriculum design. For more information visit http://lauder.wharton.upenn.edu/ciber
Submitted by evovou on Tue, 2010-04-27 18:54
To celebrate this anniversary, the Language Testing Research Centre (University of Melbourne) is hosting a two-day meeting of workshops and papers on July 15th and 16th, 2010. Abstracts are due by 5pm on April 30 and should be submitted by email to ltrcanniversary@gmail.com with the subject “Abstract submission”. For more information visit
Submitted by evovou on Sun, 2010-04-25 15:29
The International Research Foundation for English Language Education will consider Doctoral Dissertation Grant (DDG) proposals. The DDG funding is intended to support worthy applicants who have advanced to candidacy or the dissertation phase in their doctoral programs and whose dissertation research plans address topics that TIRF has prioritized. For Doctoral Dissertation Research Grants, $5,000 USD is the maximum award. Submission deadline: May 15, 2010. For further information on the DDG requirements and the DDG application process visit
Submitted by evovou on Mon, 2010-04-19 19:15
LTProject invites all members and visitors to share their photos from LTRC2010 or other language testing related conferences or events not only as a way to share memories, but also to attract more participants in upcoming events. Please send the photos to evovou@ltproject.eu
Submitted by evovou on Thu, 2010-04-15 19:38
The Department of Linguistics and English Language, Lancaster University, offers an annual 4-weeks Language Testing course. The dates for 2010 are:
- Weeks 1 and 2: Monday, 19 July to Friday, 30 July
- Introduction to Classical Test Theory: Monday, 2 August - Friday, 6 August
- Introduction to Modern Test Theory: Monday, 9 August - Friday, 13 August
For more information on content, accomodation and applying visit http://www.ling.lancs.ac.uk/study/languagetesting/ltl.htm