Position in Applied Linguistics University of Klagenfurt

The Department of English and American Studies, Alpen-Adria University, Klagenfurt, Austria offers a 4-yr Position (fixed term) starting on 1 October 2011. Deadline for applications: 11 May 2011. For the full text of this position and further information concerning the application process (in German), please consult: http://www.uni-klu.ac.at/unicareer/mitteilungsblatt 14 or visit http://www.uni-klu.ac.at/iaa/inhalt/1092.htm

Language testing specialist position at SLTI

Second Language Testing Inc., Rockville MD, is recruiting language testing professionals. For more informations about position qualifications, salary and benefits visit


ESRC PhD Studentship at University of Warwick

The University of Warwick is seeking applications for a PhD studentship in Applied Linguistics. The studentship is part of the Doctoral Training Centre awarded to The University of Warwick by the Economic and Social Research Council. Application closing date: 28 April 2011. For more informations about research topic, studentship, eligibility and application visit


University of Oxford job opening in Eductional Assessment

The Department of Education seeks applications for a full-time fixed-term Departmental Lecturer in Educational Assessment.  The Lecturership is tenable from October 2011, or as soon as possible thereafter, for an initial period of three years. The Departmental Lecturer will contribute to the research undertaken by the Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment, which is located in the Department of Education, and provide academic support to its Director. The ideal candidate will have:  a doctorate in the field of educational measurement; expertise in quantitative research methods; experience of research in a relevant field and of obtaining research funding; a strong record of published research; a demonstrable interest in assessment policy; and experience of teaching at Master's degree level and/or of higher degree supervision. Further particulars about the post, the Department, the selection criteria and how to apply can be found at

IELTS Joint-Funded Research Program 2011-2012

The IELTS partners (British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and Cambridge ESOL) are pleased to invite applications for funding to undertake research in relation to IELTS. Research projects will be funded up to a maximum of £22,000/AUS$36,000. Applications should be submitted by 30 June, 2011. To view the issues to be considered visit:


Caroline Clapham IELTS Masters Award 2011

The IELTS partners (British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and Cambridge ESOL) are pleased to invite applications for the Caroline Clapham IELTS Masters Award. The award is given annually to the Master’s-level dissertation or thesis in English which makes the most significant contribution to the field of language testing. The work should be language testing focused but need not be IELTS related. The award carries a prize of £1,000.Applications should be submitted by 30 June, 2011. For further details visit:



The 8th EALTA Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 7 May during the 2011 EALTA Conference (5-8 May) at the Università per Stranieri di Siena, Italy.


Claire Kramsch receiver of the K.W.Mildenberger Prize 2011

Professor Claire Kramsch (German and Foreign Language Acquisition, UC Berkeley) received the Kenneth W. Mildenberger Prize at the 2011 MLA Convention for "an outstanding scholarly book in the fields of language, culture, literacy, or literature with strong application to the teaching of languages other than English." Her book, The Multilingual Subject, was published by Oxford University Press in 2009.


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