Language Learning's 60th anniversary conference podcasts

Language Learning's 60th anniversary conference podcasts, that explore Language as a Complex Adaptive System, are now available for download. To download visit

ILTA Student Travel Award 2010

The ILTA Travel Award presents a funding opportunity for postgaduate students to attend ILTA’s Language Testing Research Colloquium, which will be held in Cambridge, UK from April 14 to April 16, 2010. For more information on the award and the criteria for application visit

UCLES/ILTA Lifetime Achievement Award

Professor Elana Shohamy (Professor and Chair of the Language Education program at the School of Education, Tel-Aviv University) has been selected to receive the UCLES/ILTA Lifetime Achievement Award for the year 2009. The Award will be presented to Prof. Shohamy at the 32nd ILTA/LTRC meeting, held in Cambridge, UK in April 2010. To view a list of publications by Prof. Shohamy visit

Past Awardees are:
2008 Prof. J. Charles Alderson
2007 Dr. Charles Stansfield
2006 Dr. John L.D. Clark
2005 Prof. Bernard Spolsky
2004 Prof. Lyle F. Bachman
2003 Prof. Alan Davies

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