Dear colleagues welcome back to the Communities of Practice Platform!
This is the implementaton of a new paradigm in teacher development in Greece and together we are making this happen!
We will start our work together by exploring areas you would like to deal with in your training programme this year.
What is the most pressing challenge or recurring problem that you face in teaching primary school young learners?
We would be grateful if each of you can post your challenge or problem by visiting the Group Forum. Please do this by the 17/10 so that discussion can begin.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you!
All the best
Kia Karavas,
Katerina Kourkouli
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful Happy New Year! May your life be filled with joy and happiness and may each new day bring you moments to cherish.
Let us share this Christmas card with all of you!
Best Wishes,
Kia Karavas,
Katerina Kourkouli
Dear colleagues welcome to the Communities of Practice Platform!
This will be the beginning of a new paradigm in teacher development in Greece and together we will be making this happen!
We will start our work together by exploring areas you would like to deal with in your training programme this year.
What is the most pressing challenge or recurring problem that you face in teaching primary school young learners?
We would be grateful if each of you can post your challenge or problem by visiting the Group Forum. Please do this by the 17/10 so that discussion can begin.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you!
All the best
Kia Karavas,
Katerina Kourkouli
This is a place to celebrate our knowledge and ignorance, our good practices and imperfection, our expertise and struggles. A place to ask questions and get help. A community dedicated to helping you enjoy your work. A venue without walls: just friends.
Groups of peers gathering online to ask questions, face needs and challenges, suggest topics and issues to discuss and get help. Communities of teachers co-operating online to organise and implement the school curriculum and teaching methods more effectively. Enrolment deadline: Wednesday 15 October.
Response to questions posed and difficulties faced
- Word formatting displayed in my text : This has been described as “problem with appearance of my post”. It happens when we “copy-paste” a text from a Word document to the text editor area. It actually displays the Word formatting options making it impossible to read the message. Solution: Save the Word document as plain text first (see image ), so that you get rid of Word formatting. Then you can copy-paste it to the text editor area.
- Editting/Changing a post: After creating a new topic, click it so that you can view your post. Then click edit to make any alterations you want. Finally click submit.
- Avatar image characteristics: To upload your avatar, just follow step 4 of the 2gather platform FAQs.Your image should ideally be something like 100 x 100 or 200 x 200 pixels. Then just follow the instructions to crop it.
This is a place to celebrate our knowledge and ignorance, our good practices and imperfection, our expertise and struggles. A place to ask questions and get help. A community dedicated to helping you enjoy your work. A venue without walls: just friends.