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Technical Issues

Response to questions posed and difficulties faced

  1. Word formatting displayed in my text : This has been described as “problem with appearance of my post”. It happens when we “copy-paste” a text from a Word document to the text editor area. It actually displays the Word formatting options making it impossible to read the message. Solution: Save the Word document as plain text first (see image ), so that you get rid of Word formatting.  Then you can copy-paste it to the text editor area.
  2. Editting/Changing a post: After creating a new topic, click it so that you can view your post. Then click edit to make any alterations you want. Finally click submit.
  3. Avatar image characteristics: To upload your avatar, just follow step 4 of the 2gather platform FAQs.Your image should ideally be something like 100 x 100 or 200 x 200 pixels. Then just follow the instructions to crop it.

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