Elizabeth Apostolou & Bessie Dendrinos
concern to be a
testing system led the university of
Athens team preparing the exams in
English to embark on a large-scale
research project regarding listening
comprehension, the assessment of which
is a rather neglected area of
investigation. Meanwhile, the listening
comprehension component of all
well-known exam systems is what
candidates complain about the most. They
often whine that the activities were
either too difficult or that they
couldn’t hear the speakers well, that
the speaker didn’t speak clearly enough
or that there was too much noise in the
exam room which prevented them from
making out what was being said, and so
on. Whether or not, though, these
complaints correspond to reality, the
fact remains that the listening test is
often the most difficult section for
many candidates. This is the case with
our exams in English (as our systematic
analysis reveals) and, thus, we have set
out to investigate the most important
factors involved in making our
listening items
or ‘difficult’.
There are several
studies which attempt listening
comprehension task analysis and
investigate the linguistic, pragmatic
and cognitive factors which contribute
to task difficulty (e.g., Ur 1984,
Anderson and Lynch 1988, Rost 1990,
Conrad 1985, Buck 2001). These studies
often point to factors concerning the
learner and his/her lack of language
skills being the main cause for
listening comprehension difficulty. They
also point out that it is the very
nature of the spoken language which is
usually considered much more difficult
to understand due to such
characteristics as the use of elision,
speech rate, accent variation, stress
and intonation, hesitation, redundancy,
Furthermore, these
and other studies point
to the cognitive factors involved in
listening comprehension and attempt to
show that understanding is invariably
linked to the listener’s
prior knowledge, experiences and
expectations. Anderson & Lynch (1998),
for example, argue that understanding is
not something that happens because of
what the speaker says, but that the
listener has a crucial part to play in
the process. S/he activates various
forms of knowledge and by applying what
s/he knows to what s/he hears, s/he
ultimately understands the message
conveyed. Buck (2001) agrees that the
cognitive aspect of listening
comprehension is very significant, and
views listening comprehension as an
inferential process which moves beyond
the knowledge of discrete elements of
language, such as phonology, vocabulary
and syntax. According to him,
is not something in the text that the
listener has to extract, but is
constructed by the listener in an active
process of inferencing and hypothesis
(ibid: 29).
Though we are in full
agreement that linguistic and cognitive
factors as well as learner skills are
all responsible for successful or
unsuccessful listening comprehension, in
testing situations, however, there are
additional factors which may cause
comprehension prevention. One of these
factors is the testing environment
itself: the acoustics in the exam room,
the quality of sound in the recordings
(especially, when speech is not studio
recorded), technical problems with the
audio equipment, intentional or
unintentional background sounds and
noise inside or
outside the exam room
may seriously affect comprehension. Of
course, test performance is contingent
upon skills and characteristics of
individual candidates and these are not
always related to their language ability
and knowledge. They have to do with how
well different candidates have learnt to
retain information, how anxious they get
during an exam situation and whether
they have developed test-taking skills
such as speed in responding,
self-evaluation and self-corrections,
etc. But candidate’s individual
characteristics are just as important as
group characteristics. From the research
we are carrying out, it seems that there
are rather significant differences
between how different ethnic, social and
age groups perform when assessed for
listening comprehension, due to a series
of factors. Older candidates respond
differently to the same listening texts
and tasks than younger candidates and so
do males and females, highly literate
and less highly literate candidates, and
so on. The knowledge and
experiences of these groups play a
crucial role in how/what they understand
and what responses they select.
Naturally, the
candidate is responsible for the success
or failure to
understand an oral
message, yet s/he is not the only one to
blame. The end result has a lot to do
with the language of the text, how the
text is delivered (spoken), and the
nature of the task. Now, choices of
texts and tasks are directly related to
the approach to language and to the
language testing aims of each exam
battery. This means that research which
is not candidate, oral text and task
specific has very little to tell us
about listening comprehension
difficulties in testing situations.
We have seen very few
studies in the literature drawing upon
actual data and reporting findings
related to one particular testing
system. However, the KPG English team is
aspiring to complete the project it
began in 2007. In order to investigate
candidate response to
particular texts and tasks, a variety of
tools have been used (questionnaires,
interviews and verbal protocols).
Systematic task analysis is being
carried out as well as post
administration item analysis is being
used, not only to investigate difficulty
but also to assess the listening
comprehension test and ultimately take
any measures necessary to secure the
reliability of the exam and the
candidates’ scores.
Using Item Response
Analysis Research (Bachman 2004,
McNamara 1996), listening comprehension
item analysis is conducted for both the
listening as well as the reading
comprehension test papers after each
administration, and they provide the
English test development team with
useful information regarding a) internal
consistency or reliability of the exam,
b) item difficulty (i.e., the proportion
of candidates that get an item right or
wrong), c) distractor analysis (i.e.,
the frequency with which each option of
a particular test question is chosen)
and d) discrimination efficiency (i.e.,
how well an item succeeds in
distinguishing highly competent from
less competent candidates). Any test
item that item analysis shows to have an
index of difficulty above 0,80 or below
0,50 is considered to be too easy or too
difficult respectively for the exam
level (since the normal values of
difficulty for a test item should range
between 0,50 and 0,80) and this is then
analyzed further so that conclusions can
be drawn as to what features make the
item difficult or easy for the specific
group of candidates.
This investigation is
then complemented with a systematic
examination of the texts from which the
tasks originate, in an attempt to find
the relationship between text variables
and item difficulty. The analysis
concerns (a) linguistic features of the
text and especially lexical appropriacy
to exam level, information structure,
information density, (b) paralinguistic
features (i.e., accent, speech rate,
background noise, visual support, number
of speakers involved). All these can, of
course, have a serious impact on the
level of difficulty of the relevant test
Although this part of
the research is still at an initial
stage, some first conclusions have been
drawn as to what task and text-related
factors can be associated with item
difficulty. For example, it has been
determined that even a single unfamiliar
word or phrase either in the stem or in
the distractors of a multiple-choice
item may throw some candidates
completely off, while, on the other
hand, some candidates seem to do poorly
when they must interpret or make an
inference rather than get
straightforward information from the
text. The role of distractors has proven
to be an important factor in item
difficulty too, since, in a large number
of items examined, candidates’
failure to select the correct response
can be explained by or attributed to how
‘easy’ or
‘difficult’ the distractors
Distractors can also
play a significant role in making items
too easy. This is mostly the case when
the distractors themselves are
irrelevant to the content of the aural
message; thus, making the correct
response far too obvious. An additional
factor that makes some items too easy
has to do with the way the right option
is articulated. For example, an item
that uses some of the wording of the
text is easier than if synonyms are
The research project
is also yielding interesting information
about what makes a listening
comprehension text difficult or easy but
the limited space does not allow us to
report findings in detail.[1]
As the project develops, reports and
papers will be published through the
RCeL publications. The outcomes of the
particular research are bound to be
extremely useful to KPG item writers and
test developers. Most importantly,
however, they will be a valuable source
of information for candidates and
teachers preparing them. Once we
determine what is difficult for whom, it
is possible to teach different groups of
learners/candidates how to overcome
these difficulties by providing
test-taking strategies which will prove
helpful for the particular listening
comprehension testing situations.
Anderson, A., & Lynch, T. (1988).
Listening. Oxford: Oxford University
Bachman, L. F. (2004) Statistical
Analyses for Language Assessment.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Buck, G. (2001). Assessing Listening.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Conrad, L. (1985). Semantic versus
syntactic cues in listening
Studies in Second Language Acquisition,
7(1), 59-72.
McNamara, T. (1996). Second Language
Performance Measuring. London and
New York: Longman.
Rost, M. (1990). Listening in
Language Learning. London and New
York: Longman.
P. (1984). Teaching Listening
Comprehension. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Research regarding factors that
affect text comprehensibility,
based on KPG data, is being
carried out by different
researchers of the English team.
Jenny Liontou, under the
supervision of Bessie Dendrinos,
is doing systematic research on
factors that affect reading and
listening text
difficulty. The RCeL is also
making available data to
Elizabeth Apostolou, who is
beginning to look systematically
into KPG listening task
difficulty and to Eleni
Charalambopoulou who is
investigating KPG listening
test-taking strategies. Both
these young scholars are working
under the supervision of Kia